
الأربعاء، 18 يونيو 2014

How to Get Free BitCoins, FedoraCoins, LiteCoins, InfiniteCoin & FeatherCoins With QoinPro

Ever heard of QoinPro? This article will help you discover how you can get free BitCoins, LiteCoins, FeatherCoins, InfiniteCoins and FedoraCoins currencies, and use them for whatever you may want to. Personally, I never knew about QoinPro not until one of my long term online friend sent me a private message on Twitter sharing me about the entire service and for that, I too choose to share the same information with you The Konsult Hub readers just like I keep doing it with others as the site contains.
In simple terms, both Bit-coins, Lite-coins, Infinite-coins and Fedora-coins and Feather-coins are known as digital, experimental, decentralized, peer-to-peer crypto-currencies, internet currencies which can be used for both personal and business transactions  at low cos, high speed and instant when it comes to performing payments to anyone in the world and best of all, they are independent from any government.
On the other hand, QoinPro is a service provider operating online where anyone can sign up as shown on their site for free and instantly start earning the above currencies and many other digital currencies in ones online wallet. What happens is that a new members account is credited with a  one time of up to 0.00000250 to ones Bit coin balance, 0.00007671 to Lite coin , 0.00604838 to Feather Coin , 97.85271991 to Fedora Coin  and 5.68181818 to  Infinite Coin.
And for the following days, the same account are credited automatically with 0.00000001 BTC, 0.00000032 LTC and 0.00002516 FTC respectively on a permanent basis thus meaning that one stands a chance of accumulating some good amounts of these online digital currencies in his or her wallet not until one decides to withdraw them provided a minimum withdraw threshold is reached.
QoinPro also has an affiliate service which allows members to earn more basing on the number of referrals. And to get started, all you need is to visit QoinPro.com, sign up, verify your email address and you will be done.
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KWS Adams I am the Guy behind The Konsult Hub. I am a Part-time Consultant with one International Firm and a Part-time Blogger with a passion of Exploring and Sharing just like you can see what the site contains. Find me on Facebookand Twitter for more about my work!
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Is Dailytwocents.com Scam or Legitimate? My Review

Have you ever heard of Is Dailytwocents? Do you want to read its review and find out whether its a legitimate or scam site? Do you want to join but still wanting to know some basic information with regard on how the site works and operates? Consider it done since in this Review, you will find out everything you want to know from what its all about to earnings and getting paid.
Dailytwocents.com or Daily 2 Cents as its known has a slogan “share your thoughts, opinions and more, get paid” which to a money maker and more especially those who earn from writing online means making money. The site is considered as a Bubblews.com alternative due to the way its members earn money from doing the required activities although personally, I take the site to be a closer alternative to Postanyarticle.com basing on the fact that members are paid on a monthly basis and basing on the total unique impressions a members gets unlike other sites where a member can request for a payment at any time of choice provided one hits the minimum payment threshold.
How Do You Get Started On Daily2Cents?
Getting started on this make money site is something simple since it doesn’t require one to pay a single dime as a membership and nor requested to be from a specific location but provided one has internet and a device which can access the site so as to create an account and verify ones email address in order to gain login access.
How Do You Make Money On The Site?
Making money is another simple task although it may not be easy just like its not easy on any other online earnings site. In order to earn, one needs to write articles in the different categories, send them for review and have them published upon meeting the required guide and standards. The more articles you write, the more views you stand to get and the high the earnings you stand having. You get paid 1/2 cents per unique view on your posts.
How And When Do You Get Paid?
Getting paid is on a monthly basis and payments are sent to a PayPal account only. The site uses Google Adsense Ads and which are the ones where earnings are got from. And just like Bubblews, a member is required to fill in his PayPal email address in his account so that once one hits the minimum payment threshold which is $5 before the payment cycle date, one is automatically paid.
Does The Site Has Terms or Rules To Follow?
The answer to this is YES, the site has terms which any member has to read and they are located on the site itself.
Is Daily2Cents Scam Or Legitimate?
Basing on the current performance and my own experience, the site looks to be legitimate unless otherwise. All members who follow the site rules and terms in addition to posting quality contents which attracts higher view get paid whenever they reach their minimum at the payment dates.
For any one who is looking forward to earning an extra buck online, you can take up the opportunity to join the site and explore. However, any other person can come up with a different review since this is a personal based review other than a generalized one basing on experience.
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KWS Adams I am the Guy behind The Konsult Hub. I am a Part-time Consultant with one International Firm and a Part-time Blogger with a passion of Exploring and Sharing just like you can see what the site contains. Find me on Facebookand Twitter for more about my work!
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How To Install, Configure & Activate Quick Cache Plugin On WordPress

Quick Cache for WordPress is one plugin which is known to increase on your website or blog performance when it comes to issues related with increasing your page load speeds through caching and while at the same time decreasing your hosting CPU usage. We all know it well that every time a webpage on your blog or site is loaded, it decreases your allocated bandwidth where by if left uncontrolled, you may end up having a website exceed its monthly allocated CPU limit and which can lead to your site being suspended not until the end of the month when another bandwidth is allocated.

This is more common on sites which are hosted for free on the free hosting providers since for them use shared hosting and do allocated a specific amount of traffic or bandwidth per website per month and once you accumulate all of your traffic even within a week, you will find your site unreachable but with a redirection to the main hosting and which can have an impact to both you and your website visitors.

For those who never missed one of my previous posts which was all about How To Avoid Website Suspension Due To Exceeded CPU Limit On Free Hosting, you saw that one way I recommended was using a cache plugin like Quick Cache and due to the number of silent emails I got, I decided to respond to all in this post while sharing with you how to go about installing, activating and configuring the above plugin and below are what you should follow.

1. Log in to your WordPress blog admin end, hoover your PC mouse on plugins and select add new.

2. Enter “Quick Cache” in the search bar and hit search.

3. Look out for “Quick Cache (Speed Without Compromise)” and click on install.

4. Click on activate the plugin after installation and you will be done.

Your website is now speeded and cached by Quick Caching plugin. You can now relax while knowing that part of your bandwidth is saved.

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KWS Adams I am the Guy behind The Konsult Hub. I am a Part-time Consultant with one International Firm and a Part-time Blogger with a passion of Exploring and Sharing just like you can see what the site contains. Find me on Facebookand Twitter for more about my work!

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Is Teckler.com Scam or Legitimate? Find Out In This Review

Wondering whether Teckler is a scam or legitimate website to make money on? This review will help you find out some useful and important information which will help you to determine the fact and find the answer you are looking for. Teckler is a content revenue sharing site where you join for free, post and publish articles of ones choice in a preferred niche and earn money for the work done. And just like it is for the different online money making sites, many people and especially those who are looking forward to join and earn online will try to find out first whether a site they want to join is legitimate or scam since that is one way to ensure that one never spends his or her time for free without gaining anything in the end.

Teckler.com became very popular on the internet when the different online writers were disappointed and started looking at the site as an alternative to some sites and below are what of what you should know in order to reach to your answer.

How Do You Get Started On Teckler.com?

To get started is very simple. All you need is to create a free account after which you can create your Tecks by choosing on what you want to post either a  text, video, audio or photo post using the selection options when logged in.

What Are The Requirements For Earning?

To earn on Teckler, you need to create as many Tecks (posts) as possible and too get as many views on them as possible. As a member or Teck author, you share 70/30% of all revenues generated by your Tecks. Teckler takes 30% while you take 70%.

How Do You Redeem Your Earnings?

Teckler.com pays its members through PayPal and a member is required to link up his or her PayPal when logged in to the site in the account. Your money goes through the different steps for example from pending to confirmed and then withdrawing into your account.

Is Teckler Legit Or Scam?

This is the most interesting part. According to my personal experience and other findings, the website is legitimate other than being a scam site. Members are paid their earnings provided they have been verified. Clicking on a Withdraw request button guarantees you of getting paid at least I know this from my personal view. You can join the site and earn money when you do what you are required to do. However, a different person may come up with a different personal view.

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KWS Adams I am the Guy behind The Konsult Hub. I am a Part-time Consultant with one International Firm and a Part-time Blogger with a passion of Exploring and Sharing just like you can see what the site contains. Find me on Facebookand Twitter for more about my work!

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الثلاثاء، 17 يونيو 2014

Top 5 Popular Internet/Online/Web Scam Practices In Africa & The World

Scam is everywhere just like it exists in your country, city, state, social web and many others. Most scam activities involve the exchange of the different electronic mails from the scammer to the target individual or company and where by for those who are new to such, they sometimes end up being conned so much of their money including the time to process the scammer requested document and so forth.

In Africa just like the whole world, many people have fallen victims of such web and online scam activities just like it happened to one of my friends who lives in Kenya after he was targeted and ended up being conned of up to Kshs 10,000 in the name of the winning document processing and handling. Not only this friend of mine but too many people have been victimized in the different scam ways although nothing looks to be done by those who are responsible.

Many scammers reportedly use those famous brands and names of international companies with the different being either a spelling for example a miss of a single letter in the domain name used by the scammer as opposed to the legit domain name of the organization being uses.

If you have never faced this or being scammed, you are lucky but still, you need to read this entirely and for those who have been scammed already, sorry but this post will help you learn how you can prevent this from happening again and we have listed up to 5 most common practices which you should be aware of.

International Lottery Winning – This is where you get an email which seems to be legit letting you how you have won lots of dollars. In many cases, the receiver has no knowledge of the above and many share having not participated and nor having shared their mails on the internet. If you happen to see such an email, you should inquire thoroughly before falling victim since the end result if being asked to fill forms and then paying processing money.

Automobiles Promotions – This is similar to the above although for it, the mail is sent and originating from an automobile company. The mail tells one how he or she has been chosen as a winner from any supplied auto company. This too requires thorough investigation unless you are sure that you have been a participant.

Credit Card promotions - Due to the high need of such cards, many people end up being conned in the same name. Scammers use brands and known names of big companies like Master card or Visa and send emails alerting one of being a winner of cards loaded with huge amounts. If you know that you never participated in anything, its wise to avoid such mails.

Email promotions and winning – At least all of us happen to use free emails from either Yahoo, Microsoft and others. This is very advantageous to scammers since they use such address to con the users. I remember when one send me an email of having won thousands of dollars from Microsoft email lottery even when I had never owned a single Microsft email.

Inheritance scams – Now this is one of the common ones which exist in almost any place be on social sites and others. If you read this post about identifying and getting rid of scammers on Facebook, you must be knowing how it starts and how it ends.

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KWS Adams I am the Guy behind The Konsult Hub. I am a Part-time Consultant with one International Firm and a Part-time Blogger with a passion of Exploring and Sharing just like you can see what the site contains. Find me on Facebookand Twitter for more about my work!

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How To Make Use Of Google Apps Status Dashboard

Did you know that you can be able to track the current status and performance of the different Google services and applications? Have you ever wondered why a particular or certain Google application may be malfunctioning or failing to respond as required at certain times? Regardless of whatever your question may be, you are guaranteed of knowing why such might be happening using the Google Apps Status Dashboard.

Google Applications  Status Dashboard is a page which offers and where Google service users can be able to know and track the status with regard to any information which may be affecting a service which is offered by Google and the information found on the same page “applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps“.

It so happens that a service for example Google docs, Gmail, Adsense, YouTube, Talk, Slide, Sheets, Drive, Drawing, Groups, Sites and many others may at any one time not respond as expected and which can make one to start wondering why that may be happening and in such situations, the use of the Apps Status is required as it can help one to instantly determine whether its a general outage or problem with the service or simply a self problem since a computer or even an internet connection one is using can cause a service interruption.

Getting started with the Apps Status usage is something simple since all one id required to do is to visit the Apps Status Dashboard page, navigate through the service one is looking for and know the status instantly just like you can see in the picture below.

Google Apps Status

Some of the features include the Service name, the date and the possible interruption which may be available.

Google Apps Status Outage

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KWS Adams I am the Guy behind The Konsult Hub. I am a Part-time Consultant with one International Firm and a Part-time Blogger with a passion of Exploring and Sharing just like you can see what the site contains. Find me on Facebookand Twitter for more about my work!

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How To Get Free Call Minutes With MTN 6 To 6

If you are a freebie fan and liker, then you got to read this about the MTN 6 To 6 free calling minutes. I am personally a freebie-liker and that is why I constantly keep looking for the different offers and sharing them with you on this blog just like you might have seen some of the last free offers I have shared on this site before for example the free coke connect internet, free calling minute with MTN between 6 am to 9am, free airtel internet, and many more in the freebie category, in this post, you will discover what MTN has for you with the 6 To 6 offer.

With MTN 6 To 6, you will be able to get some free calling minutes in between 6 am and 6pm each day provided you are eligible and if you are looking on how to become eligible, its so simple just like I found out and below is what to do.

1. Get your GSM set and dial *188#.

2. Press the OK or Send Button and wait for the conformation message;

Yello. Welcome to MTN 6 TO 6.

Enjoy free minutes daily from 6am to 6pm when you recharge.


Now you can see how simple it is to get started, you only need to follow the guide above and get your free calling minutes daily. This is not a hack but rather something legal and there is no need to worry about using it.

Stay tuned for more freebie offers in this category.

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KWS Adams I am the Guy behind The Konsult Hub. I am a Part-time Consultant with one International Firm and a Part-time Blogger with a passion of Exploring and Sharing just like you can see what the site contains. Find me on Facebookand Twitter for more about my work!

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